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The goal of rapporteur is to facilitate reporting on the World Health Organization’s Triple Billions framework.


You can install rapporteur from GitHub with:

Demonstration dataset

A demonstration dataset is provided in the dataset. It does not reflect actual data for the countries included. It serves only to demonstrate the functions of the package.


##   iso3 year               ind use_dash
## 1  CAN 2000 surviving_infants     TRUE
## 2  CAN 2000   measles_routine     TRUE
## 3  CAN 2000     polio_routine     TRUE
## 4  CAN 2001 surviving_infants     TRUE
## 5  CAN 2001   measles_routine     TRUE
## 6  CAN 2001     polio_routine     TRUE
##                                                                                                                                           source
## 1 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2019). World Population Prospects 2019, Online Edition. Rev. 1
## 2                                                                                WHO/UNICEF Estimates of National Immunization Coverage (WUENIC)
## 3                                                                                WHO/UNICEF Estimates of National Immunization Coverage (WUENIC)
## 4 United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2019). World Population Prospects 2019, Online Edition. Rev. 1
## 5                                                                                WHO/UNICEF Estimates of National Immunization Coverage (WUENIC)
## 6                                                                                WHO/UNICEF Estimates of National Immunization Coverage (WUENIC)
##       type    value transform_value level contribution contribution_percent
## 1 reported 45.18210        45.18210    NA           NA                   NA
## 2 reported 28.45644        28.45644    NA           NA                   NA
## 3 reported 76.77938        76.77938    NA           NA                   NA
## 4 reported 56.95852        56.95852    NA           NA                   NA
## 5 reported 48.03589        48.03589    NA           NA                   NA
## 6 reported 87.61698        87.61698    NA           NA                   NA
##   population contribution_percent_total_pop
## 1         NA                             NA
## 2         NA                             NA
## 3         NA                             NA
## 4         NA                             NA
## 5         NA                             NA
## 6         NA                             NA

Country Summary Sheets

Country summary sheets are country-specific Excel files reporting on the Triple Billions.

Two functions exist to generate these: * export_country_summary_xls() : export a specific country * export_all_countries_summaries_xls() : export all countries present in the dataset

The billion parameter allows to export a specific billion or all at once.

# Export HEP summary for Afghanistan:
export_country_summary_xls(all_billions_example, "AFG", "hep")

# Export all billions for Canada:
export_country_summary_xls(all_billions_example, "CAN", "all")

# By default, files are saved to "outputs" folder, but this can be modified with `output_folder'.
# If the folder doesn't exists, it will be created (recursively).
export_country_summary_xls(all_billions_example, "CAN", "all", output_folder = "outputs/all/CAN")

# Exporting all billions for all countries in the dataset:
export_all_countries_summaries_xls(all_billions_example, "all", output_folder = "outputs/all")