Export a country-specific for all three
billions or for a specific billion.
billion = c("hpop", "hep", "uhc", "all"),
value_col = "value",
transform_value_col = "transform_value",
scenario_col = NULL,
contribution = "contribution",
contribution_pct = paste0(contribution, "_percent"),
contribution_pct_total_pop = paste0(contribution, "_percent_total_pop"),
default_scenario = "default",
start_year = 2018,
end_year = 2019:2025,
scenario_end_year = end_year,
output_folder = "outputs",
version = whdh::get_formatted_timestamp()
- df
Data frame in long format, where 1 row corresponds to a specific country, year, and indicator.
- iso
ISO3 code of country to summarize.
- billion
Billion indicator names to return, either "hep", "hpop", "uhc" , or "all".
- value_col
Column name of column with indicator values.
- transform_value_col
Column name of column(s) with transformed indicator values, used to calculate contributions.
- scenario_col
Column name of column with scenario identifiers. Useful for calculating contributions on data in long format rather than wide format.
- contribution
Column name of column(s) to store contribution (population) values. Must be the same length as
.- contribution_pct
Column name of column(s) to store contribution (percent) values. Must be the same length as
.- contribution_pct_total_pop
Column name of column(s) to store contribution (percent of total population of the country) values. Must be the same length as
.- default_scenario
name of the default scenario.
- start_year
Base year for contribution calculation, defaults to 2018.
- end_year
End year(s) for contribution calculation, defaults to 2019 to 2025.
- scenario_end_year
End year of the scenarios. Defaults to
.- output_folder
Folder path to where the Excel files should be written
- version
character vector identifying the version of the plot to be passed.