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billionaiRe 0.8.1

  • Update all documentation
  • Add basic-scenarios, acceleration-scenarios, sdg-scenarios, and data-recycling vignettes.
  • Organize documentation by topics.

billionaiRe 0.8.0

  • Pass to version 0.8.0
  • Modify all existing scenarios handling to implement modification requested by DFI:
    • scenarios now start by default from the last value in default_scenario instead of 2018
    • acceleration scenarios that aimed at fixed targets based on top N countries are now calculated dynamically
    • SDG scenarios now aim at the closest value to the SDG target rather than an alternative to acceleration. This makes the SDG scenarios more ambitious
  • Introduction of add_populations and add_hep_populations functions to retrieve accurate population for aggregation to higher dimensions
  • Introduction of accelerate_target scenarios, a variation on acceleration scenarios that aim at specific values whenever possible.
  • Introduction of benchmarking scenarios: scenario_top_n_iso3 allows to pick the best performing countries for a specific group and have all countries aim at the rate of change.

billionaiRe 0.7.0

  • Pass to version 0.7.0 after removing of unused column parameters.
  • Remove ind, year, iso3, type and source from functions parameters
  • Rename parameters value, transform_value, scenario, contribution and contribution_pct to value_col, transform_value_col, scenario_col, contribution_col and contribution_pct_col respectively.

billionaiRe 0.6.10

  • save_wrangled_output now saves files with all columns capitalised and load_billion_data_whdh changes all column names to lower case after downloading data from WHDH to simplify WHDH => xMart pipelines.

billionaiRe 0.6.9

  • Add scenario_return_previous_trajectory to return to pre_covid_trajectory after covid_shock
  • Add impute_covid_shock to impute a COVID-19 shock easily
  • Add aroc_type and related parameters to scenario_dip_recover to add alternatives on how the AROC is calculated. This is chiefly to allow to use an average AROC rather that just with latest value.
  • Corrects bugs

billionaiRe 0.6.8

  • Adds support of covid_shock
  • make_default_scenario() now doesn’t require to have default_scenario in scenario column.
  • Updated save_wrangled_output to explicitly enforce expectations about data frames before writing to disk.
  • New assertions: assert_col_types(), assert_has_names(), assert_distinct_rows(), and assert_col_paired_with().
  • Updated wrangle_data.R functions to explicitly cast columns to expected types.

billionaiRe 0.6.7

  • Adds upload_billion_data function for easy uploads to the 3B data lake in the World Health Data Hub (WHDH).
  • Adds assert_timestamp and assert_class utilities for checks.
  • Removed testit dependencies.
  • Aligned save_wrangled_output and upload_billion_data: both functions now return the modified data frame after writing to disk/upload.
  • Updated docs for xmart_cols and save_wrangled_output
  • save_wrangled_output now accepts data_type and na_rm arguments
  • Default compression for save_wrangled_output changed to “gzip”
  • Added more assertions to save_wrangled_output and the function now raises an error if the expected columns aren’t available (previously raised a warning and returned the input data frame instead).
  • Bug fix: upload_billion_data now returns a data frame (was previously returning NULL)

billionaiRe 0.6.6

  • Updates to load_billion_data functions incorporating the whdh::download_data_asset function and the use of a version argument to replace the date_filter placeholder.
  • load_billion_data now has an experiment argument, which replaces sandbox.

billionaiRe 0.6.5

  • Replace names of scenarios with more informative names:
    • none becomes routine
    • tp becomes reference_infilling
  • add scenario and scenario_details to the wrangled columns in wrangling functions and xmart_cols as they will be expected to be present from now on.
  • Adding COVID-19 scenarios.

billionaiRe 0.6.4

  • Adding Sustainable Development Goals acceleration scenarios.

billionaiRe 0.6.3

billionaiRe 0.6.2

  • Add scenario functions to billionaiRe. Those allow to calculate different scenarios based either in the application of one scenario to all indicators or through special-case scenarios where calculations might differ for all indicators. See the vignette(“scenario”, “billionaiRe”)
  • Bring improvements to data_recycling

billionaiRe 0.6.1

  • Add recycle_data functions to efficiently recycle data. See vignette(“scenarios”, “billionaiRe”) for an overview of the functionality and logic behind data recycling.

billionaiRe 0.6.0

Various updates to facilitate migration of the Triple Billion data pipeline into the WHDH * Updated load_billion_data to now pull data from the WHDH data lake by default and optionally set xMart as the data_source. Using xMart currently redirects the user to the legacy version of load_billion_data, while the xMart functionality is built. * Added get_whdh_path for easy generation of download/upload paths for the WHDH data lake * Updated save_wrangled_output to work with parquet format. * Added save_gho_backup_to_whdh, making it easier to backup snapshots of GHO data to the WHDH data lake. * Updated billion_ind_codes with a toggle for subindicators (like water_rural, water_urban and the eSpar categories and sub-categories). * Added get_ind_billion for determining which billion a given indicato belongs to. * Updated xmart_cols to return different sets of columns based for different types of data. * Added new assertions: assert_type, assert_fileext, assert_unique_vector, assert_length, assert_min_length, assert_same_length, assert_equals, and assert_x_in_y. * Updated assert_arg_exists to have custom error messages. * Rearranged utils_asserts.R to categorise the different assertions.

billionaiRe 0.5.3

  • Export functions introduced in version 0.5.0 were moved the code to a new package: rapporteur. This reduces the size of the billionaiRe package and maintain a better logic in the package environment.
  • Introduce basic testing (input-output) of the package.

billionaiRe 0.5.2

  • Added further definitions to indicator_df.xlsx
  • Renamed column analysis_code by ind of indicator_df.xlsx.
  • Removed column ind of indicator_df.xlsx.
  • Modified code to use ind instead of analysis_code.

billionaiRe 0.5.1

  • Combined indicator_df.xlsx and indicator_order.xlsx into one file.
  • Updated dashboard_id to better align with current dashboard backend.
  • Changes to DESCRIPTION reflecting wppdistro transfer to WorldHealthOrganization GitHub org.

billionaiRe 0.5.0

  • Added export_all_countries_summaries_xls to export all country summary Excel files for all billions or a specific billion.
  • Added export_country_summary_xls to export one country summary Excel file for all billions or a specific billion.
  • Added support functions for the two preceding functions.
  • Modified indicator_df, indicator_df.xlsx, and indicator_df.rda to include additional information about indicators definition, names, etc.
  • Added indicator_order.xlsx to be joined with indicator_df.
  • Added affected_pathogens, affected_pathogens.xlsx, and affected_pathogens.rda to indicate by which pathogens countries are affected.
  • Added inst/extdata/country_summary_template.xlsx to store the Excel template for country profiles.
  • Modified all default values to 2025 instead of 2023.
  • Added pre-commit hooks to style and ensure consistency in code on commit. See pre-commit repository for more information.

billionaiRe 0.4.4

  • Added calculate_contribution_sums with the ability to calculate regional or global sums for HEP, HPOP, or UHC billions for a given year.

billionaiRe 0.4.3

  • Added wrangled_rural_urban_gho_data() with functionality to supplant wrangle_gho_data() for indicators where the data has an additional RESIDENCEAREATYPE dimension with possible values of TOTL, URB and RUR.
  • Added xmart_cols(), has_xmart_cols(), save_wrangled_output() utility functions for easier wrangling of data updates.
  • Full Billions data table added to load_billion_data(), allowing user to directly download latest Billions data and resultant calculations.

billionaiRe 0.4.2

  • Updated indicator_df.xlsx and indicator_df.rda with the GHO code for polio_routine(WHS4_544).
  • All Billions calculations now return contribution_percent as well as contribution values, for use in the dashboard and other presentations.
  • HPOP Billion calculation returns total Billion without double counting correction, as well as standard.

billionaiRe 0.4.1

  • Updated wrangle_who_data function with additional assertions and warnings
  • Updated indicator_df.xlsx and indicator_df.rda with the GHO code for measles_routine (WHS8_110)

billionaiRe 0.4.0

  • Updated all three Billions functions to produce data in long format for immediate upload to xMart.
  • Developed all three Billions to be calculated for various scenarios, defined in long format through a scenario column or in wide format by having multiple value columns.
  • Expanded HEP Billion to allow for the use of ebola, COVID, and measles campaign data within the Prevent indicator.

billionaiRe 0.3.0

  • Updated data loading functions so that all 3 xMart databases are available: unprojected data, projected data, and final input data for the Billions.
  • Added in untransform_hpop_data() and untransform_uhc_data() so that transformed data could be converted back into the original domain of the raw data.
  • Allow multiple columns to be transformed or untransformed at once using the transform_... and untransform_... functions for UHC and HPOP Billions.
  • Clear error messages added if there are non-distinct rows in df for ind, iso3, and year.

billionaiRe 0.2.1

  • Changed transform_glucose() to have a domain of 5.1 to 7.4, previously one of 5.1 to 7.4.
  • Fixed pop_links to ensure that IPV double counting correction was correct

billionaiRe 0.2.0

  • Added a file to track changes to the package.
  • Implemented HEP Billions into pipeline.

billionaiRe 0.1.0

  • Initial release of package. UHC and HPOP Billions available for calculation through the billionaiRe API.