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scenario_aroc() uses the annual rate of change (AROC) in different cases to calculate the values of the scenario:


  value_col = "value",
  start_year = 2018,
  end_year = 2025,
  baseline_year = 2018,
  target_year = end_year,
  target_value = NULL,
  percent_change = NULL,
  aroc_type = c("target", "latest", "percent_change"),
  scenario_name = glue::glue("aroc_{aroc_type}"),
  scenario_col = "scenario",
  limit_aroc_direction = NULL,
  limit_aroc_value = 0,
  trim = TRUE,
  small_is_best = FALSE,
  keep_better_values = TRUE,
  start_year_trim = start_year,
  end_year_trim = end_year,
  upper_limit = 100,
  lower_limit = 0,
  trim_years = TRUE,
  ind_ids = billion_ind_codes("all"),
  default_scenario = "default"



Data frame in long format, where 1 row corresponds to a specific country, year, and indicator.


Column name of column with indicator values.


Start year for scenario, defaults to 2018.


End year for scenario, defaults to 2025


Year from which the scenario is measured. Defaults to start_year


Year by which the scenario should eventually be achieved. Defaults to end_year


value to be reached. Used when aroc_type is target. Should be expressed as a percentage point and not a fraction of 100 (e.g. 6% increase = 6, and not 0.06).


Numeric with the percent_change. Should be expressed a as percentage point and not a fraction of 100 (e.g. 6% increase = 6, and not 0.06).


String identifying type of AROC. Can be target,latest or percent_change. See details. Defaults to target.


Name of the scenario. Defaults to scenario_percent_change_baseline_year


Column name of column with scenario identifiers. Useful for calculating contributions on data in long format rather than wide format.


string is identify if positive or negative AROC should be limited by limit_aroc_value. If NULL (default), no limitation will be applied


numeric with values at which the AROC should be limited to. If limit_aroc_direction is positive, will take the maximum between limit_aroc_value and AROC. If negative, it will take the minimum between 0 and AROC. Defaults to 0. Ignored if limit_aroc_direction is NULL (default).


logical to indicate if the data should be trimmed between upper_limit and lower_limit.


Logical to identify if a lower value is better than a higher one (e.g. lower obesity in a positive public health outcome, so obesity rate should have small_is_best = TRUE).


logical to indicate if "better" values should be kept from value_col if they are present. Follows the direction set in small_is_best. For instance, if small_is_best is TRUE, then value_col lower than col will be kept.


(integer) year to start trimming from.


(integer) year to end trimming.


limit at which the indicator should be caped. Can take any of "guess", or any numeric. guess (default) will take 100 as the limit if percent_change is positive, and 0 if negative.


limit at which the indicator should be caped. Can take any of "guess", or 0 to 100. guess (default) will take 0 as the limit if percent_change is positive, and 100 if negative.


logical to indicate if years before start_year_trim and after end_year_trim should be removed


Named vector of indicator codes for input indicators to the Billion. Although separate indicator codes can be used than the standard, they must be supplied as a named vector where the names correspond to the output of billion_ind_codes().


name of the default scenario to be used.


  • target: aims at a specific target_value by target_year

  • latest: takes the AROC between baseline_year and the previous year

  • percent_change: applies percent_change for the AROC from baseline_year.

This function is different than scenario_percent_baseline() or scenario_linear_change() as it uses percentage difference and not percentage points difference.

AROC use a general compounded rate of change formula: (Value(year_n) / Value(year_0)) ^ (1 / (year_n - year_0)) - 1

direction_limit_aroc in combination with limit_aroc allows to limit the AROC to a value given a direction. This can be helpful to avoid extreme values if AROC is unknown before being passed to the function.If direction_limit_aroc is positive, the AROC will be the minimum between the calculated AROC and limit_aroc. If negative, it will be the maximum between AROC and