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Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) scenarios are setting the indicators of the Triple Billion on a trajectory to reach the targets set in the Global indicator framework for the Sustainable Development Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This results in setting ambitious trajectories for each indicator that is linked to an SDG target or to a relevant framework

Billion Indicator Code Indicator Name SDG/WHA code Scenario
HPOP adult_obese Adult Obesity WHA66.11 Halt the rise to 2010 value
HPOP alcohol Alcohol Consumption SDG 3.5.2 -10 percent from 2010 value
HPOP child_obese Adolescent/ Child Obesity WHA66.10 Halt the rise to 2010 value
HPOP child_viol Violence Against Children SDG 16.2.1 0% by 2030
HPOP devontrack Developmentally on Track SDG 4.2.1 100% by 2030 from latest value
HPOP fuel Clean Household Fuels SDG 7.1.2 100% by 2030
HPOP hpop_sanitation Safely Managed Sanitation SDG 6.2.1 100% by 2030
HPOP hpop_sanitation_rural Safely Managed Sanitation (rural) SDG 6.2.1 100% by 2030
HPOP hpop_sanitation_urban Safely Managed Sanitation (urban) SDG 6.2.1 100% by 2030
HPOP hpop_tobacco Tobacco Use SDG 3.a.1 -30 percent from 2010 value
HPOP ipv Intimate Partner Violence (F) SDG 5.6.1 0% by 2030
HPOP overweight Childhood Overweight SDG 2.2.3 0% by 2030
HPOP pm25 Mean Particulates (PM 2.5) SDG 11.6.2 5% by 2030
HPOP road Road Deaths SDG 3.6.1 -50% from 2020 to 2030.
HPOP stunting Childhood Stunting SDG 2.2.1 0% by 2030
HPOP suicide Suicide Mortality SDG 3.4.2 -33.333% points between 2015 and 2030
HPOP transfats Trans Fat Policy WHA66.10 100% by 2025
HPOP wasting Childhood Wasting SDG 2.2.2 0% by 2030
HPOP water Safely Managed Water SDG 6.1.1 100% by 2030
HPOP water_rural Safely Managed Water (rural) SDG 6.1.1 100% by 2030
HPOP water_urban Safely Managed Water (urban) SDG 6.1.1 100% by 2030
UHC anc4 Pregnancy and delivery care SDG 100% by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC art HIV treatment SDG 100% by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC beds Hospital access SDG 18 by 2030 if value <18. Otherwise business as usual
UHC bp Prevention of cardiovascular disease SDG 100% by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC doctors Health workforce - Density of doctors SDG 154.74 by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC dtp3 Child immunization SDG 100% by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC fh Financial hardship SDG 3.8.2 0% by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC fp Family planning SDG 100% by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC fpg Management of diabetes SDG 0% by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC hwf Health workforce SDG 154.74 by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC itn Malaria prevention SDG 100% by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC nurses Health workforce - Density of nurses/midwives SDG 154.74 by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC pneumo Child treatment SDG 100% by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC tb TB treatment SDG 100% by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC uhc_sanitation Water and sanitation SDG 100% by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC uhc_tobacco Tobacco control SDG 100% by 2030 if >=2 values reported in timeseries. Otherwise business as usual
UHC and HEP espar Health security SDG Business as usual