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Acceleration scenarios are version of the future that are ambitious yet achievable by countries. They were created in conjonction with WHO technical units.

Many of the acceleration scenarios calculate multiple basic scenarios, and then compare them with the scenario_best_of() function to find the best results.

This table shows a summary of the acceleration scenario by indicator:

Billion Indicator Code Indicator Name Scenario
HEP cholera_campaign Cholera - Campaign Add planned cholera campaign on Cholera Roadmap 2030 when they don’t replace one. If numerator is not provided, the best historical coverage is achieved.
HEP detect Time to detect Business as usual
HEP detect_respond Time to detect and respond Business as usual
HEP measles_routine MCV1 - Routine AROC 20% percent change between 2013 and 2025
HEP meningitis_campaign Meningitis - Campaign Add planned campaign when they don’t replace one. If numerator is not provided, the best historical coverage is achieved.
HEP meningitis_routine Meningitis - Routine 90% by 2030 when there is reported data
HEP notify Time to notify Business as usual
HEP polio_routine Polio 3 - Routine AROC 20% percent change between 2015 and 2025
HEP respond Time to respond Business as usual
HEP yellow_fever_campaign Yellow Fever - Campaign Add planned campaign when they don’t replace one. If numerator is not provided, the best historical coverage is achieved.
HEP yellow_fever_routine Yellow Fever - Routine AROC 20% percent change between 2015 and 2025
HPOP adult_obese Adult Obesity Halt the rise to 2010 value
HPOP alcohol Alcohol Consumption Best of Business as usual, halt the rise to 2010 value, and -10 percent from 2010 value
HPOP child_obese Adolescent/ Child Obesity Halt the rise to 2010 value
HPOP child_viol Violence Against Children 0% by 2030
HPOP devontrack Developmentally on Track 80% by 2030
HPOP fuel Clean Household Fuels Business as usual for high income countries and best rate of change between 2013 and 2015 in the region for other countries
HPOP hpop_sanitation Safely Managed Sanitation Best value in quintile
HPOP hpop_sanitation_rural Safely Managed Sanitation (rural) Best value in quintile
HPOP hpop_sanitation_urban Safely Managed Sanitation (urban) Best value in quintile
HPOP hpop_tobacco Tobacco Use Best of Business as usual, halt the rise to 2018 value, and -30 percent from 2010 value
HPOP ipv Intimate Partner Violence (F) 0% by 2030
HPOP overweight Childhood Overweight Best of Business as usual, and AROC target of 3
HPOP pm25 Mean Particulates (PM 2.5) Best of business as usual, and linear change of -2% from 2018 value
HPOP road Road Deaths Best of business as usual, and -50% from 2020 to 2030.
HPOP stunting Childhood Stunting Best of business as usual, halt downwards trend to 2018 value, and AROC of -50% change between 2012 and 2030.
HPOP suicide Suicide Mortality Best of business as usual, halt downwards trend to 2018 value, and -33.333% points between 2015 and 2030.
HPOP transfats Trans Fat Policy 100% by 2025
HPOP wasting Childhood Wasting Best of halt downwards trend to 2018 value, and AROC by 3% by 2030.
HPOP water Safely Managed Water Best value in quintile
HPOP water_rural Safely Managed Water (rural) Best value in quintile
HPOP water_urban Safely Managed Water (urban) Best value in quintile
UHC anc4 Pregnancy and delivery care Best of easiest between 95% by 2030 and AROC top 10 countries and Business as usual when there is data. Otherwise, business as usual
UHC art HIV treatment Best of 95% by 2030 and business as usual for countries with data. Otherwise, business as usual.
UHC beds Hospital access Best of AROC top 10 countries and business as usual for countries with values <18. Otherwise, business as usual.
UHC bp Prevention of cardiovascular disease Best of 80% by 2030 and business as usual.
UHC doctors Health workforce - Density of doctors Business as usual.
UHC dtp3 Child immunization Reach technical program targets by 2030
UHC fh Financial hardship Best of halt the rise to 2018 value and business as usual.
UHC fp Family planning For BRN, CYP, FSM, ISL, LUX, and SYC, business as usual. Otherwise, best of quintile scenario and business as usual
UHC fpg Management of diabetes Halt the rise to 2010 value
UHC hwf Health workforce For countries above the 2018 global media, business as usual. Otherwise, aiming at the average ROC of the top 5 countries.
UHC itn Malaria prevention Best of 80% by 2030 and business as usual.
UHC nurses Health workforce - Density of nurses/midwives Business as usual.
UHC pneumo Child treatment Best of 90% by 2025 and business as usual for countries with >=2 points since 2000. Otherwise, business as usual
UHC tb TB treatment 90% by 2025
UHC uhc_sanitation Water and sanitation Reach mean of their quintile
UHC uhc_tobacco Tobacco control Best of -30% between 2010 and 2025 and business as usual for countries with estimated data. Otherwise, business as usual.
UHC and HEP espar Health security Best of the regional average (WHO regions) and the value last year of the last year with complete espar data (with categories and sub-categories)