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predict_simple() does simple linear interpolation and/or flat extrapolation on a column using zoo::na.approx(). Similar to other predict functions, it also allows filling in of type and source if necessary. However, it does not provide confidence bounds on the estimates, like other predict_... model-based functions provide.


  model = c("forward", "all", "flat_extrap", "linear_interp", "back_extrap",
  col = "value",
  ret = c("df", "all", "error"),
  test_col = NULL,
  test_period = NULL,
  test_period_flex = NULL,
  group_col = "iso3",
  obs_filter = NULL,
  sort_col = "year",
  sort_descending = FALSE,
  pred_col = "pred",
  type_col = NULL,
  types = c("imputed", "imputed", "projected"),
  source_col = NULL,
  source = NULL,
  scenario_detail_col = NULL,
  scenario_detail = NULL,
  replace_obs = c("missing", "none")



Data frame of model data.


Type of simple extrapolation or interpolation to perform:

  • forward: Just flat_extrap and linear_interp. (default)

  • all: All of flat_extrap, linear_interp, and back_extrap

  • flat_extrap: Flat extrapolation from latest observed point.

  • linear_interp: Linear interpolation between observed data points.

  • back_extrap: Flat extrapolation from first observed data point backwards.

  • both_extrap: Both flat_extrap and back_extrap.


Name of column to extrapolate/interpolate.


Character vector specifying what values the function returns. Defaults to returning a data frame, but can return a vector of model error, the model itself or a list with all 3 as components.


Name of logical column specifying which response values to remove for testing the model's predictive accuracy. If NULL, ignored. See model_error() for details on the methods and metrics returned.


Length of period to test for RMChE. If NULL, beginning and end points of each group in group_col are compared. Otherwise, test_period must be set to an integer n and for each group, comparisons are made between the end point and n periods prior.


Logical value indicating if test_period is less than the full length of the series, should change error still be calculated for that point. Defaults to FALSE.


Column name(s) of group(s) to use in dplyr::group_by() when supplying type, calculating mean absolute scaled error on data involving time series, and if group_models, then fitting and predicting models too. If NULL, not used. Defaults to "iso3".


String value of the form "logical operator integer" that specifies the number of observations required to fit the model and replace observations with predicted values. This is done in conjunction with group_col. So, if group_col = "iso3" and obs_filter = ">= 5", then for this model, predictions will only be used for iso3 vales that have 5 or more observations. Possible logical operators to use are >, >=, <, <=, ==, and !=.

If `group_models = FALSE`, then `obs_filter` is only used to determine when
predicted values replace observed values but **is not** used to restrict values
from being used in model fitting. If `group_models = TRUE`, then a model
is only fit for a group if they meet the `obs_filter` requirements. This provides
speed benefits, particularly when running INLA time series using `predict_inla()`.

Column name(s) to use to dplyr::arrange() the data prior to supplying type and calculating mean absolute scaled error on data involving time series. If NULL, not used. Defaults to "year". For predict_simple(), the first value in sort_col is passed to zoo::na.approx() as xout to ensure linear interpolation is based on sort_col indexing rather than default data frame indexing.


Logical value on whether the sorted values from sort_col should be sorted in descending order. Defaults to FALSE.


Column name to store predicted value.


Column name specifying data type.


Vector of length 3 that provides the type to provide to data produced in the model. These values are only used to fill in type values where the dependent variable is missing. The first value is given to missing observations that precede the first observation, the second to those after the last observation, and the third for those following the final observation.


Column name containing source information for the data frame. If provided, the argument in source is used to fill in where predictions have filled in missing data.


Source to add to missing values.


Column name containing scenario_detail information for the data frame. If provided, the argument in scenario_detail is used to fill in where prediction shave filled in missing data.


Scenario details to add to missing values (usually the name of the model being used to generate the projection, optionally with relevant parameters).


Character value specifying how, if at all, observations should be replaced by infilled values. By default, replaces missing values in col but if set to "none" then col is not changed.


Depending on the value passed to ret, either a data frame with predicted data, a vector of errors from model_error(), a fitted model, or a list with all 3.


Depending on the value of model passed to the function, linear interpolation, flat extrapolation, or both is used on the data.