R Package Ecosystem

To implement the Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW 13) methods (see Background for more details), a suite of R packages has been developed by WHO.

The ecosystem

It is complemented by a data pipeline.

Available packages

Package Purpose
billionaiRe Calculate all aspects of the Triple Billions, from initial transformations to final contribution calculations
rapporteur Facilitate reporting on the GPW13 by providing plots, excels, pdfs, etc. outpus
augury Infill and project data using a variety of models and methods
whoville Utility functions to work with country codes, names, and regional classifications
xmart4 Programmatic access to the WHO xMart4 database
ghost Programmatic access to the WHO GHO database
goalie Programmatic access to the UNSD SDG database
wppdistro (private) Redistribution of WPP population data


The Thirteenth General Programme of Work (GPW 13) defines WHO’s strategy for the five-year period 2019-2023. The GPW 13 Results Framework was developed to track the measurable impact of WHO on people’s health at the country level. It includes three components: impact measurement; the output scorecard; and qualitative country case studies. More information on the GPW 13 Results Framework can be found online here.

Impact Measurement

Impact measurement is based on the Sustainable Development Goals and measures progress at three levels:

The Triple Billion targets

Improve the health of billions by 2023:

Methods for impact measurement

More information about the GPW 13 impact measurement component can be found in:

The Triple Billion dashboard

An interactive and dynamic tool to track progress and deliver impact towards the Triple Billion targets and Sustainable Development Goals at country, region and global levels. WHO strives to incorporate new data into the dashboard as it becomes available, and estimates/projections will change in response to these data. The dashboard has been developed through consultation with countries, and will continue to be updated and improved based on the feedback we receive.

The dashboard can be found here.